MHR PMU horses

MHR PMU horses

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We hope you'll enjoy seeing frequent updates and photos of the Miracle Horse Rescue and Sanctuary horses you all know and so generously support. We'll also keep you posted on current projects and plans for the future.

Stephanie Pierce

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Horse's Tale, Chapter 4 Part 1, Did you hear?

Steph sitting in front of the computer and types "Be back in a while have some errands that have to be run."

She stands, looks at the dogs laying around, nods and grabs her purse and keys. "Ok Guys and Gals, I have errands to run.",

Bruno looks up, "Food, Food", Steph says "Not on this run. You guys watch the ranch." Steph heads out the door.

Steph walks out to the car, looks around the ranch, all is quiet, which is good. She drives up to the gate, gets out, opens the gate, drives out, closes the gate, and heads off on her errands.

First on the list, Shadow Mountain Feed, for some Rice bran, then the grocery store, then the gas station... After a short drive, she pulls into the parking lot.

"Rice Bran, Rice Bran do I need anything else." She opens the door, steps in and Patti Cross, yells out, "Stephanie, did you hear?"

Steph, looks up and across the store at Patti, "What, I just got here?", Patti says, "Did you hear about the horses."

Steph walks over to the counter, "What horses, when, where?", Patti, "You won't believe this. Four Horses, well actually Three Horses and a mule were at the Nugget Casino last night."

Patti continues, "Well not just at the casino, they were inside and partying and dancing." Steph, slowly reaches up and pushes her mouth closed..."Really who was with them, was it a show or what?"

"No, they were alone, and apparently had tickets, and were playing at the tables, and even were eating at the late night buffet.",

"People all over town are talking about it."

Steph looks down, "Oh, I just need some rice bran." Patti, looks up and nods.

Steph thinks well I have to say something...."Well that is unreal, any idea who the horses belonged to?", Patti shrugs, "No one knows. It appears no one up that late recognized the horses."

"Well I am sure that someone will figure it out.." Patti rings up the bag of rice bran, and says, "I am sure the Sheriff Office will figure it out, Captain Becht was at the casino this morning." "It is pretty unusual even for Pahrump, to have horses out partying..."

Steph nods, "Yes very unusual."

For some reason, as Steph walked out to the parking lot with the bag of rice bran, her mind was wondering, "The Sheriff's office... Horses out partying", "OMG"

Well, the trip to the grocery store and getting gas have fallen by the way side....

Steph drives back to the ranch, as she pulls up to the house, "We have to resolve this. Otherwise Robert is going to jail for letting horse run about...Or me...Robert, for sure, he is in charge of gates...Or me, because I am in charge of welfare." Steph screamed loud enough for bring the dogs out of the house.

Bruno, comes out, yelling "FOOD, FOOD,...", Steph well some of the family are excited.... "Ok, let’s resolve this here and now."

Steph, grabs the bag of rice bran, and walks to the house, the dogs are running about looking for treats, Bruno, still yelling "FOOD, FOOD", Steph looks down at him, "No Food." Bruno looks up and says, "What no food, pfffft" and wonders back inside.

Steph sits down, well maybe the Moms and Aunties have come up with some ideas...... "My Goodness, I hope so. I would hate to see Robert going to jail." Just as that thought was formed, she looks over at Bruno, who is messing with his bed, pushing something under the bed.

"Bruno, what are you doing?", Bruno looks up "aaahhhh, nothing, Nope not doing anything wrong, Nope, nothing." Steph stands up and walks over to Bruno's bed, and lifts up one corner. "Bruno what is this?"

Bruno looks up, "Ahhhh, nothing going on here, nope nothing, not me." Steph reaches down, and reaches in and grabs a handful of....


to be continued.

Authored By: Samm