MHR PMU horses

MHR PMU horses

Welcome to MHR's Blog

We hope you'll enjoy seeing frequent updates and photos of the Miracle Horse Rescue and Sanctuary horses you all know and so generously support. We'll also keep you posted on current projects and plans for the future.

Stephanie Pierce

All Images and Videos are copyright Miracle Horse Rescue, Inc. and cannot be utilized without explicit written permission.

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Fund raisers:

Sponsor a Horse! (any amount will help)
Doc Wilbur's Medicine Cabinet

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Monday, July 7, 2008

Monday afternoon


Everyone is in the round pen and it's going quite well. JThe only sign of aggression displayed so far was when AJ tried to nurse off of Jerri and she raised her hind leg to let him know that this was not his milk bar. It is going quite well at this point, but when it comes to horses everything is subject to change from moment to moment.

We had to break down the corral panels in between stalls and push them over. Jerri does not lead well at all. They do not have access to entire corral due to the fact that there will be food aggression so they will be separated at feeding time.
