MHR PMU horses

MHR PMU horses

Welcome to MHR's Blog

We hope you'll enjoy seeing frequent updates and photos of the Miracle Horse Rescue and Sanctuary horses you all know and so generously support. We'll also keep you posted on current projects and plans for the future.

Stephanie Pierce

All Images and Videos are copyright Miracle Horse Rescue, Inc. and cannot be utilized without explicit written permission.

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Ways you can help:
Fund raisers:

Sponsor a Horse! (any amount will help)
Doc Wilbur's Medicine Cabinet

Your donations to these efforts are tax deductible and you help feed the horses.

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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Good Tuesday morning

Hope all of you have had a good start to the week.

All is well with the horses, so the start of the week is good. Went visited with Rocky today (OTTB that my parents have been fostering for 6 years) and he had his pedicure. Rocky is 41 years old and a real sweet gentleman. Today while holding him during his pedi I noticed how grey his face is becoming. Standing there I took my hand and rubbed around his eyes. He loves this, and before we knew it he was standing there sleeping. The only time he opened his eyes was when he had to give a different foot. So so sweet.

Casper and Justice were playing horse tag today. It is so much fun to watch them play. Geldings are so much more playful in my opinion (my opinion only), as mares seem to take the little nips and chasing a tad bit more personal..guess they need to get over themselves.

Chloe aka Big Dog has adjusted so well to her new environment. There have been a few challenges by a couple of the pack but we expected this to occur. Like any family changes do happen.

Freddy is doing quite well, there have been zero issues with his Heaves aka COPD. The damage has already been done to his lungs (no fault of anyone) . His former owner did everything she could for him on a daily basis. Here is just one link that describes Heaves. There are more sites that an individual can go and search. Our weather here seems to be agreeing with him. It is possible that his sides might not bellow out when he breathes. More than likely this will always be there but not to the extent it was when he resided in PA. He has not coughed or had any wheezing episodes since the first day he arrived. He did the first afternoon he was here, but according to our vet (whom he saw two days after his arrival), this was quite normal as excitement can trigger the heaving, cough and wheezing. But since then, he has not done this. He is quite content being with Bright and she with him.

Get your favorite MHR& S horse on a Cell Phone Skin. Visit our website and go to Clouds Country Store and order yours today. Proceeds go to purchase Hay and Supplements.

We are ever so grateful for all the assistance we receive with our fundraisers. ALL of YOU MAKE the DIFFERENCE! THANK YOU!

Speaking of fundraisers, our "MARCH MADNESS" fundraiser is currently in progress and if you can help with the hay needs of MHR&S, thank you so very much in advance.

We would like to wish you all a wonderful week!

The MHR&S Team