Good Morning to All,
Thank you again to everyone for your thoughts for Zachary! It's working, he is ornery this morning...LOL
Well, we are going to have to set up a schedule for Dublin, as he has been invited to Flagstaff AZ by one of our bloggers!!!
Pahrump for a few days then off to Vegas for a few days, and then from there he shall be a traveling little horse. We hope that you will add a few words about your visit with him as well as maybe some of the comments you received regarding Anti-Slaughter and the Plight of PMU Mares.
Just received a call from Rob, he was letting me know that we have a broken water valve at the ranch and he is on his way to pick up the parts for repair. Utah is sitting in her chair moping and he said is quite crabby. Everything else is fine though.
Have a great day to all!