Good Morning Everyone,
All is peaceful and quiet this morning here at the ranch. The sun is shining, horses are happy and healthy, what more could we ask for.
I want to apologize for not being on the last few days. Unfortunately we all think we can tackle just about everything, but a dumb old sinus infection got the best of me and I had to break down and make a visit to the good old people doctor. This is just a tail end residual of the bronchitis I suffered a month ago, but am on the mend.
We had to pick up our five year old Granddaughter at the airport yesterday, and goodness I have forgotten the energy a youngster can have, especially when one loves horses as she does. We must have visited the horses half a dozen times, and of course there was her excitement of seeing Apple and Aj, Jerri and Hope. Funny thing as she was petting Hope, she told her Grandpa that she wanted to pet Jerri. He told her that she really did not like being petted, but determined she stuck that small hand into the pen, and Jerri walked up and allowed her to stroke her nose. She turned and looked up at grandpa and said "See grandpa she let me cause she knows I lub her". The innocence of a child.
She also asked where Ceaser was and we told her that he had passed away and now he was an angel. She then said, he's okay I promise you, but I will miss him. She is something else.
The house is full of joy right now and the ranch will be filled with a million questions, but it is all wonderful. If each of us can touch the lives of a child and share with them our love of animals..then maybe just maybe abuse of humans and our furbabies will stop in these little ones lifetime.
I hope that all of you have a wonderful day!
MHR PMU horses
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We hope you'll enjoy seeing frequent updates and photos of the Miracle Horse Rescue and Sanctuary horses you all know and so generously support. We'll also keep you posted on current projects and plans for the future.
Stephanie Pierce
All Images and Videos are copyright Miracle Horse Rescue, Inc. and cannot be utilized without explicit written permission.
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Stephanie Pierce
All Images and Videos are copyright Miracle Horse Rescue, Inc. and cannot be utilized without explicit written permission.
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Doc Wilbur's Medicine Cabinet
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