Good Morning To All,
I hope that all of you have a wonderful week. I am having to take my granddaughter back home, but the ranch is cared for by hubby, family and friends. I will be checking in as often as I can.
Big weekend for Baby B and Spirit, they were both introduced to the bareback pad and did not mind it at all. Progress.
Hope is being adopted by Lisa L. Hope is going to have a wonderful wonderful life. Thank you Lisa. We brought their moms to safety to foal, and we awaited the births of these precious little ones. Their first part of their journey of life has been safe, and they had the commitment of our love and care. You are taking our Hope to the next level of her journey, still to receive the love and commitment these majestic creatures so justly deserve...Thank You
Everyone, is happy this morning as they were fed verrryyyy early. So food motivated they are.
Diane my friend, my thoughts are with you. You will pass the BAR exam with flying colors I know you will. I know you did for CA you can do it for NV.
Everyone have a great week, one month from today I will be seeing most of you..whoohoo!
MHR PMU horses
Welcome to MHR's Blog
We hope you'll enjoy seeing frequent updates and photos of the Miracle Horse Rescue and Sanctuary horses you all know and so generously support. We'll also keep you posted on current projects and plans for the future.
Stephanie Pierce
All Images and Videos are copyright Miracle Horse Rescue, Inc. and cannot be utilized without explicit written permission.
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Stephanie Pierce
All Images and Videos are copyright Miracle Horse Rescue, Inc. and cannot be utilized without explicit written permission.
You're welcome to send comments to
Ways you can help:
Fund raisers:Your donations to these efforts are tax deductible and you help feed the horses.
Sponsor a Horse! (any amount will help)
Doc Wilbur's Medicine Cabinet
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