Dr. Adam visited Charity and Electra yesterday. He came out because Charity was slow in completely expelling the afterbirth. As luck would have it, she did finally do it on her own about four minutes before he arrived.
Today, we've had to call him again because Charity was exhibiting signs of foal colic, a very common condition in mares who have just foaled. Dr. Adam gave her a shot of banamine and tubed her with a solution of warm water and electrolytes. We are monitoring her condition and he will be called again later this afternoon if she hasn't improved.
On a brighter note, Gail, our friend from Las Vegas, took this video of Charity and Electra when she visited yesterday:
MHR PMU horses

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We hope you'll enjoy seeing frequent updates and photos of the Miracle Horse Rescue and Sanctuary horses you all know and so generously support. We'll also keep you posted on current projects and plans for the future.
Stephanie Pierce
All Images and Videos are copyright Miracle Horse Rescue, Inc. and cannot be utilized without explicit written permission.
You're welcome to send comments to miraclehorserescue01@gmail.com
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Stephanie Pierce
All Images and Videos are copyright Miracle Horse Rescue, Inc. and cannot be utilized without explicit written permission.
You're welcome to send comments to miraclehorserescue01@gmail.com
Ways you can help:
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Doc Wilbur's Medicine Cabinet
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