This is a fantastic price for hay in this area, and we need to take advantage of this price while it lasts. The hay ride donations have dropped off, I believe due to the economy in the country. But this price for a bale of hay can't be overlooked and the horses need their hay.
The goal is to get as many bales as possible--$10 per bale. Please call in or mail checks to Shadow Mountain Feed (775) 727-5527, they will keep a running credit and keep us in stock with the bales of hay and also they will provide the name of the donor to MHR so that Stephanie can provide a receipt for end of year. Ask for Ron or Patti.
Shadow Mountain Feed
2031 W. Bell Vista
Pahrump, Nevada 89060
Remember Shadow Mountain is closed Sunday and Monday.
If you prefer, paypal may be used to purchase bales of hay. Since Shadow Mountain does not have paypal, please use MHR website.
one bale of excellent quality hay for $10